If it's not a T25....it's rubbish

If it's not a T25....it's rubbish

Sunday 31 January 2010

Cooking in a Camper - Details Released

Hot off the press are the details for the cooking in a camper competition.  This will run over two consecutive evenings.  Entrants have to produce a meal for 6.  No precooking is allowed and no microwaves or slow cookers should be used.  Entrants should cook the meal on the standard two rings and grill available in T25s.
The competition will be judged on weight of leftovers, number of people retiring to be sick, food refused by festival mascot, Kizzy dog and finally food refused by Jim....
Any ingredients may be used however the final meal must be suitable for a supertaster.  The meal must be produced and served in one hour and only need consist of a main course.
The coveted title of Wedgefest Cooking in a Camper Winner will be accompanied by a stunning trophy, specially designed for this years event.  Those taking part must leave a comment on this blog prior to the festival to ensure registration as places are strictly limited.

1 comment:

  1. Please, oh please can I register? I think I may be able to do it. Who do I need to pay to enter? Let me know and I'll send the cheque.
